Thursday, October 22, 2009


I have started to take in milk again... That is besides the calcium pills, my multi-vits and fish oil that I'm taking. Was going through Jusco the other day to compare the milk prices... It's really exorbitant! We found out it's just slightly a few ringgit cheaper, so we might as well get it in Spore. Save the hassle of bringing the tin here to and fro. In Jusco, there was a security guard and a Jusco staff standing at the aisle selling milk. And guess what we saw. The milk was tagged!!! Anyway, this small tin costs RM48++. The Enfalac A+ cost about RM84++, and the Enfagrow (bigger tin) cost almost RM100! Pengsan!

We realised prices have really increased steadily in Melaka. One of our favourite shops, like Thong Shui house has increased their dessert prices.. but the portion is still reasonable. We wanted to get something light, and we had nowhere else to go as it was around 4++ to 5++... we went to Island Red Cafe, the tom yam noodle soup was already RM8.90. What a rip off! It's not even real tom yam, those paste kind. And simple kuey teow soup is RM6.90! Jason was not too happy about it, we ended up in Secret Recipe, where I had my tom yam for RM11 and Jason had his cordon bleu & latte. That so, it's abt RM40 just for a simple meal like that. Wow!

I really need to start cooking if I am going back to Melaka. Eating out is really getting ex and what's more, if you have a big family. I hope the inflation does not increase further. Anyway, I do wish I have my own kitchen now. Am dying to cook on my own. So sick and tired of eating out everyday. :D

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