Yes, in less than 6 months, we're moving again! Well, it's just a matter time actually as *ahem* is a calculative person.... We got "kicked" out together with the other tenant... with a month's notice period... Hehehe.. Well, house-hunting begins..
Jason was giving me this thought that if this is another of God's concrete signs that He wants us to go back? (3rd sign!). Hehe.. well, we can only keep praying..
Baby is coming along well.. am at the start of week 15, and just one kg extra, brings me to 56kg..Yippeee! Doc said not to eat too much "good food" as the baby will grow too big for natural birth.. But I did take another round of kampung chicken and cordyceps and "pau sum chicken soup" and kampung eggs and lots of birds nest when I was back at my in-laws about a week ago. But I'm already in my 2nd tri, I think it should be ok :P
Am down with flu, but am hoping I will be fully healed by this week! Check-up is next week, can't wait to see how baby has grown....till then... the room-hunting begins!
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