Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cili Padi pickled Mango

Abs got me all excited with this. She was in JB, and was ranting on how good this is, and she asked if we can find it in Spore. Sadly, no. Haha. So I asked my Malay colleagues where to get it, and they told me they actually just do themselves. So I asked them and what brand of sauce to buy, and voila! Jason said it's good. Hehehe... I can't exactly find the Siam mango which is super sour, so I just opted for this mango. It's sourish though, but there is some sweetness in it. And it's not as crunchy as it should be. But all the same, to satisfy some cravings!

The things needed - Sugar, Kicap Manis, cili padi, mangoes, small lime

Slice the mango in bite sizes. Make sure all your chopping board, knife is dry.

Chop the cili padi into small slices (I used about 7-8 cili padis) & add in sugar. I added in 8 tablespoons of sugar!!

I don't know how much sauce I put in, I just pour over the sugar, stir it, and squeezed about 3-4 lime juice in it. If you find it thick, just add in more sauce. Voila!

You can choose to pour the sauce over the mango and leave it for a night, the next day, the mango will absorb the sauce.. super shiok! My mouth is salivating!

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