Saturday, December 19, 2009

Eat, eat, eat...

|Note: Congrats to my dear friend, Jessie, for her long-awaited arrival of her lil woman, Elora Chan on 18th-Dec-09... take care, girl!|

I have been eating like a glutton of late.. munching non-stop in the office. So now I need to buy more fruits for me to munch at work else all the sweet stuffs ain't good for me. :P

I am eating most in double portions.. like for example, ate roti bawang and mee rebus this morning.. and just 3 hours later, tummy is growling again.. sigh.. as much as I don't want to eat, I need to, because Princess will start to "kick" up a fuss. Hehehe..

She's more attentive now, once in a while when hubby talks to my "tummy" or puts his ear on my tummy.., she will give him one big shove of kick towards where his voice is coming from... of course, usually it's not instantaneous.. but rather.. delayed.. like prolly 2-3 minutes later. Sometimes, she doesn't do anything at all, and so we take it, she must have already slept.

A very active child.. thank God and praise God for her good health and active-ness... prolly more than 20 kicks per day.. especially at work.. and especially if mummy getting so worked up at work.. hahaha.. Read in magazines that to know if the child is active, you should count the number of kicks or movements per day.. Of course I don't count them one by one.. coz it's so often that she "moves" about.... It's more like sometimes she's having a party in there on her own..

And yes, she does respond to the music whenever I put it "on" for her.. hehe.. kicks and movements.. Getting harder.. sometimes if you stare at the area that she usually kicks, you can see slight movement of my tummy.. that's how hard!!

I pray that she grows well.. but not too big.. at the rate I'm eating now.. I hope she doesn't get too big :(. I'm tipping the scale now of between 61-62kg now.. (+6-7kg) @ 22 weeks. And yes, my belly is showing and yes, sad to say, I'm chubbier.. :( Hate taking pics now.. hehehe..

Physically I'm still walking fast! That's what my colleagues say.. But I don't feel the effect it of it till I stop, or when I sit.. Hehehe.. thank God I still do not have any sort of cramps, or signs of swollen legs...Hubby does a quick back rub for me once in a while, especially near my pelvic area and at the tip of my back bone... It still has the once-in-a-while stingy feeling... I'm so glad I'm finally going for my pre-natal massage session that was given to me for my b'day. :) I bought this motherhood mag, and they are giving some package thingy on the massages.. contemplating to sign up or not.. :)

Till then.. blessed weekend! xoxoxo...

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