Monday, January 11, 2010

the joys and pains of being...


1) As my tummy is getting bigger day-by-day, I can literally feel the weight of my body on my ankles. It's as though I've just ran a marathon and I didn't do a proper warm-up or cool down. Hehe...

2) I get tired easily, especially my feet! Which is what I'm not so used to as I walk pretty fast, get things done fast ( esp at work)

3) I can't seem to adjust my tummy to the way I swing my body left or right. I always forget that I have a bump in front of me that I'm not aware of. (Poor Princess! Mummy loves you though)

4) It's getting so much harder to sleep! i) Urinating more often, prolly every 2 hrs or so at night. ii) turning left and right and centre because I can't find a position that is comfy enough. When I turn on the sides, I'm abit worried that I will "squash" her and I don't know where her head is right now. (Princess, forgive mummy, ya?) And she will usually give me a few kicks if I turn on my sides. Hehehe.. :P

5) Getting out of bed or a chair or a sitting position gets harder. That explains why my bum is now getting huge... which is pretty scary.. :(

6) Not mentioning the weight gain and the getting-out-shape, and all those un-glam that it does to your body... :)

7) All the throw-ups during 1st trimester.. I thank God it's only for a period of time. :)

1) Her kicks! Her only way of "communication" with us. Try having a small game with her, as I read in the book, "Praying for your unborn child", pat at the place where she kicks, do this repeatedly, then change the position of the pat, and see if she responds to a kick to that position of your pat. Interesting!

2) People around you treat you like a queen. Though not all in public transports though. They can either pretend to sleep or you can see that guilt in their look. Hahaha.

3) Having someone you can talk to, "play" with anytime of the day. Imagining her little body wondering which part of her is moving and so on.. (I know as she grows bigger her kicks might cause major discomforts). It's a feeling that I can't describe. Even when hubby touches my tummy and she moves, he feels like a "twinge" in him. Especially when she does the "rolling" thing.. It's really ticklish to me. :)

There's a lot more that I learnt after reading that book. About how God made us women to prepare our bodies for child birth, what does the child do and know at the different stages of pregnancy, and what we parents must do (besides praying together) for the child and so on.
I really am recommending this book to those of you who are planning to have a child. You should start reading this even before you conceive. Highly recommended! It encouraged and blessed me sooo much, and I'm sure it will do to you too! :)


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