2009 was a year that just came and go for me. I never had any new year resolutions because I always thought it's just a waste of time.
I can't remember much about the first few months of 2009 except that we had an enjoyable moments in Bali with a group of close churchies. :) I love outdoor activities, and this trip was truly one enjoyable one. Hehehe.
The other part of 2009 has been a frustrating one probably because we started "trying" for a baby early 2009, but nothing seemed to be right. And I thought I had issues with my body or I'm weak or something. Then I always contradict myself because I always think that I thought I exercise, I eat well, not overweight, I should be able to conceive fast enough.
But, after much praying and sharing with each other, I guess it all boiled down to my work-stress. Somewhere in March/ April, company's biz picked up suddenly, and the ramp was really steep, thus I had so many customer issues in April, and it was THE most stressful period for me. And what more stressful when each time when the time of the month comes, I get so disappointed when I see blood stains on my liners. Sigh.
And in turn, I hit the gym like at least twice a week to really work all out of my stress. Hehehe. And then I decided to take things easy. I tendered in my resignation in July, was asked to withdraw, and after much struggles, I did. Sigh. But it was that turning point that I decided to "drop" everything of work and to concentrate on my health. To do away with the late night emails and so forth. And it was ever since then, I stopped bringing back my laptop home. Muahaha.
Thankfully, the next month, I did a test and it was positive! Hooray! And then.. the journey started. 2 weeks later, my morning sickness was sooooooo bad.. that I lost weight and I was worried sick that it will affect the baby. But amazingly, the baby grew in the time I was vomitting out greenish stuffs! Thanks be to God, that His mercies never failed! And I really thank God for a healthy body that despite my morning sickness and all that, I never once had to be hospitalised for dehyrdation, nor was there any sort of bleeding (yes, up till now!) since the beginning. I had a full, healthy body, even the blood tests said so. I really thank God. My colleagues said partially it's also because I exercised regularly... (So ladies, if you want to conceive, make sure you eat and live well :)).
And right now, coming to 28weeks preggie, I feel good, despite the tiredness and occasional aches here and there, I have a lot to thank God for compared to others.
And in spite of our current situation where hubby is still looking for a job, I still can smile, and rest assured that in His time.. all things will be made beautiful...
Preparing for a baby's arrival takes much more than just physical strength, but emotional and SPIRITUAL as well. It's the time where we just need to step-up in faith, in maturity (physically & mentally & spiritually) as you suddenly have this God-given task to be earthly parents for His child(ren). You know, you need to watch out as you will be the next role-model for your child. Hehehe.. Huge responsibilty, eh?
So, we welcome the year 2010 with open arms, with uncertainties, and excitement and of course, the bundle of JOY that is to come.... We are definitely BLESSED to be a BLESSING!

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