Monday, February 8, 2010

"When bigger, then can, right?"

While shopping with my aunts (of whom, both are already grandmas of 2 grandkids each), my 2nd aunt (Ge ee) was relating a conversation she had with my youngest niece, who is about 4 years old, going on to 5 this coming Aug. Take note, it could be paraphrased as I can't remember word-for-word...

Celine, coming home from kindy one day....

Celine: Mama (my aunt), today that Dylan (a boy at school) likes to hug me.. He always hug me..
Mama: Is it? Then did you tell him that he cannot hug you?
Celine: Yes, I told him you cannot hug me. Now cannot hug, but when bigger, can right, mama?
Mama: *panicked mode* When bigger also CANNOT!

I think this poor child got confused. She's used to adults telling her that "when you're bigger then you can do this and that.. now still young, cannot..." So she literally meant EVERYTHING can be done when she grows older. Hahaha. Hilarious! Kids these days... they really do say the darn-est things.. :P

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