Welcoming the long-awaited, most anxious & anticipated arrival of our little princess...Sara See Hui Ning (薛慧宁)....
Sorry for the late post or rather the lack of it. Have been sooooo busy and besides, was having my after-pains. Had lots of stitches and was trying to "heal" from it. As I'm writing this too, I'm sitting side-ways coz it's still abit of a pain. :P
The name.
Why Sara? I was thinking of something to start with "S" to go with hubby's surname, "See". Sara came to my mind as I was thinking that she is going to be our princess. And Sara means Princess in Hebrew. :) God's little and chosen Princess.
As for her chinese name, hubby was tasked to come out with a name. With sooooo many considerations taken (esp because of his unique surname), he wanted "Ning" because it means "Peace" and gosh, yes, thank God we need that in her! Hehehe. So we had to find a middle name for her. And "Hui" fits in perfectly. Wisdom & Peace.
Overall, Sara is a happy baby. Barely a week old and she can lift up her head so we have to take care when we burp her coz she can lift up her head anytime. She also can turn her head especially when she gets angry or cries. She turns lobster red when she stretches or when she wants to make her big business or when she cries hard enough. She eats very well, in fact, too well as she can suck really hard. :) Of course, it goes without saying that she's such a cutie angel when she SLEEPS.
Thanks to all the lovely wishes and also the gifts, and also your visitations. :)
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