weighs 4.5kg (+1kg from birth)
stands at 55cm (+3cm from birth)
At this time (1 month, 9 days) , Sara is able to:
1) Focus on people's faces (since she was in week 3), familiar voices, objects
2) Lift her head for a brief moment/ turn her head ( since she was 3 days old)
3) Change sides while lying on tummy (she knows how to lift her head from left to right..)
4) Know how to get the attention from people (when you leave her in her playpen, and if she sees people passing, she will let out a cry-for-attention).
5) Smile voluntarily (about 1 month old) when you talk to her
6) Make coo-ing sounds when talking to her or when she's looking at objects
7) Turn herself by kicking and pushing her legs that when you put her to bed in a 0deg position, she will probably turn to 90deg after that.
8) Eat, sleep, pee, poo, burp well. Praise God!
9) Recognizes songs sung to her (i.e. Jesus loves me, Jesus loves the little children, Thank you Jesus, Glory, etc)
As for mummy, she is able to care for Sara alone though sometimes a bit kelam-kabut... wonder how to cope to cook, clean the house, etc.. like a house-wife? Hehehe...well, learn from mistakes and the wonderful baby-manual.. most importantly, just praying for God's wisdom to raise this little blessed one according to His ways and statutes.
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