Saturday, March 26, 2011


Some of her milestones:
- stand more sturdily
- shakes her body, pick up things while standing
- crawls super fast
- 4 teeth up n 2 teeth down with another one showing thru a slit
- can point at mummy, daddy, mama, kungkung, kim poh, ku kong, aunty Mona, nestum the dog, umbrella, etc
- making sounds like hat, mama, mummai, daddy, there
- knows to shake her head if she doesnt want things or when i say no
- understands 'No' when i say so. Sometimes she will cry coz she understands it n i will pat on her hand if she does what i dont want her to do
- knows how to 'beat mosquito'
- loves music n will hum to the tune
- tasted ice cream for the first time n she gave a squirmish look :)
- still takes two meals a day n drinks 6oz every three hrly.

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