Wednesday, April 13, 2011


It's been a while since I last wrote. Have been busy, very busy at work lately. More projects, higher expectations, and more portfolios. I don't know if I should be happy because more job and workload means the boss is happy with my performance or what. But yes, my boss have been telling me that I'm a fast learner, I pick up things very very fast, compared to the other two who just came in. Sometimes I think I should slow down too. It's super TIRING. I can't go on like this. I come back, DEAD tired, and I hardly have time to play with Sara or spend time with her, and then it's time for her bed time. (Yes, her sleeping time is between 9-10pm).

Deep in my heart, I do want to stay at home and be a mum. :) But then, I'm not sure when will be that time. Or rather, when can I let go of the corporate life and the income it brings. But I'm glad, that I get to see Sara back home everyday. She's such a joy in our lives. Just pray that hubby's little biz brings a steady income that can enable me to stay at home, without compromising the things that we want to give our children.

Anyway, am glad that hubby will finally be back in Melaka for the week as he'll be working in Infineon in the beginning of May. At least, we can share the "burden" of caring for Sara TOGETHER.

And most excitingly, I just can't wait for Sara's birthday dinner. It's just a simple do at our humble home, but we're excited because we get to share it with our close friends. Our house is literally "empty" and not fully furnished or renovated like others, but it's just the thought of having friends coming over and sharing and celebrating together with us. Thanks Abs and Ken for helping me in the planning and logistics. *hugs*

Funnily enough, with all the preparation and what nots, I felt that as though it's my own birthday party. Probably because I just wanted to give the best to Sara even though young she may be, but next time when she looks in the photo, she knows that Mummy and Daddy do care for her and wants the best for her. We didn't have anything during her full moon, so this is two in one. :)

Till then..


eric said...

oh?? Jason got a job at Infineon? Never share the good news also :P Glad for you guys ;)

rachellmc said...

Haha.. sorry lah.. too many things in our heads now.. can't think straight. :)