Monday, August 22, 2011


Sara can now know how to "kiss" with the "smack"ing sound. Muacks.
On my cheeks, and she will show her cheeky smile.

She knows how to hug too. (All these from the action words dvd. hehehe).

She knows how to "tickle" you too.

Her words are still random, but now, she tries to mouth it and watches you speak.

As a peranakan, my mum and aunt will usually speak some peranakan Malay to Sara. For instance:
- Squat = jong-kok. Sara will go "kok, kok" when in the bathroom and she knows that we are going to clean her after she does her big business.
- Clean up = Cheh-bok. After she squats, she will go "bok bok". Hahaha. it's funny how she says it.

Am not sure, but she calls "papa" now instead of "Daddy". So now I have to teach her the other way. I don't like her calling Papa or Mama because it will contradict with grandma and Mummy.

Her "Mummy" is very precious. Only when she's really in a mood, then the word becomes so crystal clear. Else, it will just be a very loud shout from upstairs to downstairs calling for either one of us.

Recently, she saw a youtube video and I was teaching her to say "owl". And she could pronounce it perfectly. She can even tell you what kind of sound the owl makes.

When she cries, we always distract her with either asking her what animal sounds she can make and also, asking her the location of things.

Now, the trick in her is to take something, hide it at the back of her hands and start asking us instead, "Where? Where? Where?". Then, she will take it out herself and proclaim, "There!!!". And give a cheeky grin. Oh, I just so love my girl.

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