Wednesday, September 7, 2011


What a week. Came back from Taiwan and we had to send Sara to nursery the next day.
She was really fine the first day, even the teachers were surprised. Came 2nd day, she started crying on and off. The teachers had to do a lot of activities for her just to ensure her mind doesn't go idle and she will start crying again.

Then, teacher also said Sara is quite fierce. Well, good and bad. At least I know she won't get bullied next time. Cons, she will have no friends next time. Hahaha.

We decided to stop her nursery for now, and resume playgroup thingy in December before she turns two. They have fun activities like swimming, sand castle building and that sorts. Most importantly now, I need to train her on her sleeping patterns now. Hehehe.


Anonymous said...

Hi, what kind of sleeping pattern u would like to instill on Sara ?

rachellmc said...

to change from 2 naps per day to 1 nap per day. Currently she takes her morning nap btwn 10am-12pm and another nap btwn 3-5/6pm. Sometimes like during weekends, she can take one nap from after 12pm till about 2pm or 3pm, depends.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's good. But her last nap around 5-6pm means at night what time do you u put her to sleep. ? Does she Sleep through already at this age ?

rachellmc said...

last time when she naps till abt 6.30pm, she will sleep roughly at abt 10~10.30pm. Nowadays, I realised her napping is from 3.5hrs per day to abt 2hrs per day.. so she sleeps abt 9pm, plus minus 30 mins. wakes up early :S at abt 6.3o~7am. She has been sleeping through the nite since she was 6 months old I think. :)