Thursday, April 19, 2012

Lil conversations

Just penning down lil conversations with Sara now at almost 2 yo.

Before gg to bed, "Mummy, elps (sleep) here. Here mummy, elps here." I refused to lie down to see what she will do next. To my surprise, while pointing her finger to me, she said," One, two, three, elps here!" lol. :D
"Sara, where did mummy go to?"
"Do you wana go there?"
"What do u wan to do there?"
Jason n me,"lol". Brainwashed. :s
While FB-ing me, Sara asks Daddy to sleep, holds his hands, and puts her two hands and slants her head to one side. Daddy melts. Mummy thinks she is such a big girl now.
"Sara, you like to go to Old? - Town".
"What do you like to drink there? - Co-ee.". (must be Mama mention this too often)
"No, Rara drinks milk. - no, co-ee."
"You like it hot or cold? - Cold co-ee."
Obviously we did not give her any coffee at all but she knows we all go there for our cuppa. :D
Sara saw a banana tree while having her eve walks. "Go 'Mama house, eat banana". She remembers! --- We taught her how to request things politely, "Mama, peese, have, water? Tank-jiu."
Going to bed today, Sara was mentioning mama, kongkong, etc. Suddenly she said. Robert. Kongkong Robert. Then I said, Mama? Noooreeen. Mummy? Water..!!! Finally she said Rei-che..Daddy Ay-ern. She loves saying "water-bottle".

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