Saturday, July 7, 2012

Sara @ 26.5 months

We brought Sara for her scheduled Hep A jab. As usual, she cried for a sec, and when doc offered her a vitamin, she could even tell him she wanted two. He gave her five, and she counted in front of him. He was pretty surprised. She was brave, ever since she was born. That's my girl! :)

We decided to schedule her for influenza jab next month before we leave for Spore. I hate giving Sara unnecessary jabs, but we just want to reduce the # of times she will fall sick as she will be going to a new environment and full day care that is. So her doc said, OK, as he said now it's the season, and he already has 3 patients warded for influenza. Flu and influenza are two different viruses, influenza is a worse case of flu.

We got her fish oil at the same time, to help to prepare to boost her immune system. I'm gonna try give her just one whole thing and see if she is ok with it. :P But it's really gross. Hehehe.

Coming out of the doc's clinic with a huge smile!

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