Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Week 16 - 56kgs

To be exact, 55.7kg when I went for a check up at the doc today. We were surprised with the bill, as it was only $75, when we have been paying abt slightly above $100 each time. Then we realized... ohhhh.. because of the scans. Today was the first time I was scanned using the normal way, meaning from the outside of my tummy. The past 4 visits, I had to use the vaginal scan because it was either the baby was too small to see, and also my womb was slightly inverted inwards (away from the outside towards the tummy). And these scans alone costs $28. So, like today, the scan is actually "free". *phew*. But I guess we might need to pay for next month's scan where it's a more detailed scan, to calculate the measurements of the baby, and if we're fortunate enough, to also know the gender of the baby. :)

Hopefully you can see the parts of the body well. Hehehe. The hands actually have bones formed already. And the brains! Was really amazed at God's creation! SeeFirst is about 9.58 cm now..

This is me now, small bump eh? Didn't put on much weight, though I'm still eating quite normally.. Hehehe... :) Feeling very tired easily these days...Like I read online and a few of my mummy friends told me it's normal in the 2nd pregnancy. Because this is when the nerves, the blood vessels and all the "blood" stuffs are being formed, so the baby is actually sucking out the energy out of the mother.. Wow! Also, they said besides being tired easily, there will be more frequent headaches and backaches.. well, headaches yes, but backaches, not yet, just probably when I sleep, I find it difficult to sleep straight on my back...

Till then, time for my bed time already.. zzZzzzz...

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