Books I borrowed from KK Hospital Library. Since we're going through our ante-natal classes there, we're able to borrow 2 books for 2 weeks. 'Ask a midwive' is actually ang-mo based, but it's very good! It covers everything from A-Z of your questions in pregnancy, complete with illustrations and diagrams! It's like a compilation of what we're having in the ante-natal classes.
Well, as most of you know that we're attending ante-natal classes. I thought I didn't need it since I have so many advises and share of experiences from different sets of friends who have already been there and done it. But I guess, it's just out of curiosity what the class is about. And also, sometimes too many advises of dos and dont's gets me confused. Paid $120 for 10 classes, which includes at least 3 times of practical and physiotherapy classes. It covers 3 parts, Early stages of prenancy, diet and nutrition during pregnancy, labour, and aftercare after delivery. Quite thorough, and each time it's about 2 hrs. Pretty interesting. Hehehe.
I am still putting on quite a lot of weight...yes, up,up,up and away! *sigh*.... Even though I've cut down on my sugary stuffs, heavy snacks at night ( I just drink milk/ Milo and crackers at night).
I don't suffer from severe leg cramps, but so far, twice, a short one at night. No water retention in my feet yet, or my fingers. Probably because I walk a lot. If I'm back in Melaka, or if we have a car, I think I probably get swollen feet.. Hahahaha..I don't walk like a penguin as I saw most of mothers do at this time of the pregnancy. Hahaha. And. the good news issss.. even though my tummy is growing quite rapidly.. I don't have stretch marks...... yet? And no, I don't put the cream on everyday. As and when I feel my skin is dry or when I'm "rajin" enough then I will put it. And so far, I'm just using the Palmer's cocoa butter formula. Wanted to get the Clarin's oil, but I read in the book, if you get it, even expensive creams would NOT help it. So, just stuck to this normal cream. Have not even finished one bottle yet. Hehehe... yayaya, I know I'm quite vain. :P
1 comment:
Don't worry bout the stretch marks, if you didn't get it by now, you'll probably not get it at all...like me! Hehehe
And yes, keep walking, it helps with water retention. I was really lazy towards the end of my pregnancy, then one day hubby's aunt forced me to take an evening walk with her (more like a cross country hike) for more than an hour. Then I delivered the next day!
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