Wednesday, October 19, 2011

No, no, no, no...

Sara's favorite word now is No. And she now shakes her head more than she nods her head. Previously she loves to nod her head at everything that we say to her.

She is really growing up fast.

At this time, almost turning 1.5yo, she can understand quite a lot of things that we adults instruct her to. She knows where is her left and right leg, put the laundry in the basket, bring the cane here, WAIT. She loves this word wait. At everything we ask her to do, she will sometimes hold up her hands towards our face and say, Wait. Quite funny at times. Hahaha.

Still a parrot, pro at it. She likes butting into our conversations and demands attention. She knows how to wear her own pants (of course with some help from us), wears her tshirt, help aunt to bring her things, eats on her own. Yes, she wants to have her own fork and spoon and bowl too! And she wants to drink from a cup too!

Oh my, my little one is growing up fast. I always prayed that she will grow faster, but when she finally is, I pray that I won't miss out on all these tiny things that she does that also put a smile and a snigger on our faces.

Check out her cheeky grin!

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