Monday, June 11, 2012


Sara at 2 years and 1 month plus:

- She can recite pretty much the whole rhymes, with missing a few words.
- Pronunciation is quite clear, as some of her diction.
- Still can't get tomato right. She says, motato.
- An active and cheerful girl.
- Loves to "read". She will find anything with letters or numbers to read, even though she gets it incorrect at times.
- Loves to play teacher and student with her soft toys or with people around her. Good way for her learn also.
- A very inquisitive child. Loves to know anything, and everything.
- She can also think out of the box to get things her way. Eg: She grabbed a 100plus 1.5l bottle. Asking us to fill in water for her so that she can play with it. We said NO. She took the bottle, and started playing it empty. Then Daddy passed her her waterbottle to drink some water in it. After awhile, we found her doing this. Sucking the water from her water bottle and spitting into the 1.5l bottle, filling it up. Gosh! This coming from a 2yo??
- She can talk in complete sentences already. Eg:
Stomach enti(empty). Open door, call Daddy make milk. Daddyyyy... Make milk!
- She knows different kinds of emotions. E.g:
While watching Magic English on teaching what is sad and happy, Sara actually cried! She said, Sara sad. Then otw to Jusco, I told her to buckle up else no Jusco. She gladly did it and with a grin, she tells me, Sara is happy. Why? Jusco!
- She loves to do play talk with her soft toys, that Daddy thinks it's time for her to get a sibling. (Oh no! for Mummy cause Mummy is not prepared). :P
Ah.. till then... my little miss...

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