Friday, June 8, 2012

What's up doc?

Hehe. Been busy lately and also tired after work.

Well, let's see what happened.. we were in Fraser's Hill for church camp. It was good. I was really blessed by the humble experiences of the speaker. It did hit us that life is not all about what we know. Indeed, we should really learn to rely on God for providence, after all, He is Jehovah Jireh!

 Sara bitten by huge mozzies in Frasers!

 At Sunday school class

In her little Laotian dress that her kungkung bought for her.

It was indeed a short break that we all needed. The cool air, the environment and also the sharing of the Word.


Anyway, looking forward to changes in our lives ahead! Till then, I just believe that God never failed us and when we thought it's the end, He made it the begining. All we needed to do was just to GIVE UP and let go. *phew*. Thank You Lord!

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