Wednesday, July 10, 2013


My stats:

Gained 3kg from 28weeks check. Total weight gain: 10kg

Baby gained 1.38kg from 28weeks check. Total weight gain: 2.38kg

So far:
- no swollen feet (yay)!
- no stretch marks (yay)!
- no need to get bigger clothes. Hehe

- bb stuffs done
- cot still not up yet
- hospital bag yet to be packed

Sara's reaction:
Awhile ok to have a sibling awhile she gets jealous. Normal I guess.

Hubby's reaction:
Excited but at the same time calm and composed. Hehe. Thinking of all the $$ that is going to be involved I guess. Hehe. 

Praise God bb is healthy and well... And I managed to control my weight better this time compared to the first pregnancy. :D

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